
In-person didactics

Fellows attend weekly in person didactic sessions where palliative medicine faculty and other specialists present on pertinent HPM topics. Shared didactics with Henry Ford and Trinity Ann Arbor allows for collaboration among faculty and fellows for the highest quality education.

Fellows will present a journal club and complex case or topic presentation during didactic time.

National and regional meetings

All fellows attend the annual meeting of the American Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine as well as several local conferences (Caring Coalition) and grand rounds. An educational stipend is provided to defray the cost of attendance at out of state conferences.

Faculty development

Fellows are included in faculty development opportunities from the DMC GME office.

male student smiling and standing by research poster
 Dr. Kelly presenting poster at AAHPM 2024

Scholarly activity

All fellows participate in a quality improvement and/or research project during their training. Past projects have included book chapters, case presentations at AAHPM meeting and nursing education on opioid-induced constipation.